Unicorns at Lunchtime

Me (to P, who got up from the table):  Hey, what are you doing? You’re not excused.

P:  Well….I just had to peek out the window to see if my unicorn was trotting by and going over to the neighbor’s house, because if he IS… then I need to go downstairs to the fence because he’s looking for me.



5 thoughts on “Unicorns at Lunchtime

  1. In search of my next favorite coffee bean – once again (and again and again) as I’ve come to the bottom of the barrel with my current fav bean from the (current) roaster – I ran across your coffee search entry at the Great Lakes Coffee Roasters site. I’m a 63 yo almost retired eternal empty nester and avid reader from KY whose life consist of landscape gardening and searching for the next great coffee bean (and good book) and missing my children who now live in Minneapolis and Manhattan…and until this morning, had never read a blog! In one sitting, I read yours completely…initially drawn by the pictures of your gorgeous two girls and their cute and stylish clothes. I wanted to pass on the pictures to my daughter who also has a cute little toddler and I knew she would enjoy seeing the similar way your girls dress. I enjoyed reading everything in your blog…from the early SF apt life and community pictures to the book club thru to your move to the mid-west…no doubt a culture shock for someone who grew up in Hawaii and lived on the coast (the part about leaving a life with no bugs in the backyard made my heart go out to Penny..as we have mosquitoes the size of small horses in Ky). I also enjoyed the part about the electric stove – something I continue to struggle with in this house..my last prayer at night is for it to die so my husband will finally run gas to the kitchen and I can once again have a gas stove before I retire and start seriously cooking again! You have such a pretty family and I’m thrilled for your mother-in-law who will realize the joys of having her grandchildren nearby. How fortunate for her and you to have her close in your family’s lives as your girls grow up. Thank you for a very entertaining read with my morning coffee!


    • WOW! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog and also to comment. I started the blog as a way to process all my emotions and also to keep a record of this time in our lives.

      It is also a way to keep my writing skills in check (which is hard to do with two little ones!) and of course to share with others. I’m so glad you found me.

      There are so many interesting, talented people out there on the blogosphere. Happy reading!


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