My Winter in Pictures

IMG_9641I’m loving winter. It’s been a mild one so far, with some very cold days and a few inches of snow, but no extremes. My husband and I were just saying yesterday how we wished the Northeast blizzard were here instead of there.


sunriseThe winter sunrise is gorgeous. The last few weeks the sun has been coming up around 8 o’clock and we can see it from our street. It’s so beautiful reflecting on the snow and the wet concrete. Golden, pink, orange. Soooo pretty and of course photos aren’t nearly as good as the real thing.



IMG_9582I love watching the snow fall. And the way everything looks before snowplows or footprints ruin its newness.

IMG_9694 IMG_9685 IMG_9466 IMG_9670 (1024x768)Snow and wintry skies add mystery and intrigue to buildings.

IMG_9619 (1024x768) IMG_9417 (1024x1024) yachtclubAnd the lake is constantly changing.



Ask me again in March, whether I’m sick of the cold yet. I do hate that I can’t run as often (sure, there are folks who do, but I don’t gear up unless it’s warmer than 29 degrees). But I’m trying hard to enjoy what’s in front of me at this moment. Right now. So often I’ve not lived in the moment with heavy regrets later on. So I embrace you, winter. All of your harshness and vulnerability. I see you. And you are beautiful.


16 thoughts on “My Winter in Pictures

  1. I love your photos. You make me miss a proper winter. And sorry, I missed your post. Sometimes WP decides to skip blogs and fails to update me on the reader. It’s really annoying! But I came here in search of your email, so I’m sending you something and I hope it works. Until then, enjoy winter in all it’s blanketing beauty :)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great photos! The lakes look so different and beautiful in winter. If you get to Port Huron when Lake Huron is breaking up, you can stand on the boardwalk and watch the huge chunks flow right by you. They make an interesting sound as they bump and grind each other.

    Good to see you are at peace with Michigan’s many moods.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much Lani for reminding those of us who have always lived here that it is indeed beautiful. And to ‘live in the moment’. Xoxo


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