Photos from The Garden

Julia, with colorful carrots.

Hello! Oh my gosh, I can barely keep up with the blog these days. Between kids and trips and gardening and social media… poor blog is getting left behind. But I guess it’s a good sign that I’m keeping busy and enjoying summer.

If you’re already following The Garden Detroit’s instagram (user name @thegardendetroit), these photos will look familiar to you. They are some of my favorites taken (mostly) at our farm over the last couple months. Purposely left off are photos of tomatoes, which will need their own post. So many!

Wish you were here to help us at the Garden! Of course if you are ever in the area, stop by and see us.

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Amy, one of our board members, with collard greens.

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Tom, director of the Garden. He is usually this happy!

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Conjoined patty pan squash.

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Baby cucumber.


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